Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Rules for walking back from Divina Pastora.

Rule no.1 - Wear protection.  The temperature is a brisk 7 degrees when we walk to our school in the morning.  When the sun is at its peak, which coincides with when Ben and I finish for the day, the temperature has soared to the mid-twenties.  Make sure you've lathered the factor 50 all over any exposed skin, or that you wear a hat and some sunnies to make yourself at least feel cool whilst you cook.

Rule no.2 - Unbutton that shirt.  It's a good idea to get a bit more ventilation going when walking back.  Untucking and slightly unbuttoning your shirt does a great job here.  No more than two or three buttons down, or you'll have a seriously strange tan line.

Rule no.3 - One strap not two.  To avoid back sweat and the embarrassment that comes with, carry your bag using one strap and slightly to the side.  This way you can just about make it home before the back of your shirt is a darker shade than the rest.

Rule no.4 - Water yourself.  Keep hydrated.  Although it's lovely to walk alongside a river and under the blossoming trees it can be appreciated a lot more if you're sufficiently watered.  I'd recommend drinking the majority of a normal sized bottle.  Unless, of course, you have a 'barrel' like G'reth.

Rule no.5 - 'I'm Lovin It'.  If you need to rest your weary feet, or can't handle the intriguing food that we have come to expect here in León then follow the river to the golden arches.  Our saviour in our time of need.  McDonald's.  They have everything a weary traveller could need including; sustenance, toilets, a handsome amount of seating and air-con. 

Rule no.6 - Don't tell Georgie.  Although she inevitably finds out, telling Georgie that you've had a maccies should be avoided.  Or at the very least bribe her with a bag of Chips.

Rule no.7 - There's always a Burger King.  If following the golden arches isn't quite tickling your fancy there's also a burger king on the way back.  And as long as you abide by rule no 6 everything SHOULD be fine.

Rule no.8 (the best rule) - Enjoy the walk.  If you're eagle-eyed you might even spot a few peacocks.

I apologise for writing an essay.  Making up for lost time.


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